Post by Josh on May 13, 2011 19:13:12 GMT -8
Rose mentioned to me that Beth Moore made a comment in their women's study video about how she doesn't like what she calls "man-centered worship" focused on our faults and flaws as opposed to "God-centered worship" which focuses on God's attributes. I've heard others say similar things but it always bothers me. I don't think it's possible to make such distinctions and I think there's a time and place for both.
Just look at the Psalms- they spend time considering both our moral failings and predicaments as well as God's attributes. Would it really be good to have all of one end of the spectrum and none of the other?
Post by Josh on May 13, 2011 19:18:17 GMT -8
On a related note, there's also the old "church music" fight between those who like "narrative songs"* and those who prefer "dialogue songs"**. That's another debate that always makes me groan. Who really wants to have only one kind or say one is better than the other?
* Songs that tell stories mostly from the third person perspective or songs that express theological truths. ** Songs that are conversational between us and God in the first person perspective (singular or plural).
Post by stevekimes on May 17, 2011 14:54:24 GMT -8
"Man centered or God centered" doesn't matter to me. Like you say, Biblical worship is full of man's weakness, just look at Psalm 90! Or even the occasional statement like in Psalm 8.
For my personal worship style, however, I prefer to be speaking to God rather than speaking about God. To "worship", is to pray. To narrate is to fellowship. Nothing wrong with fellowship or "encouraging one another to love and good deeds". But for me, that's just not worship. Worship is connecting to God the person, not God the concept.
Post by carebear on May 18, 2011 17:36:24 GMT -8
I think both are fine, but what I find uplifting and renewing is singing to God about His beauty, attributes, etc. It's almost as if singing about His attributes brings an answer to (and victory over) the faults and failings of the human experience.
Post by freebirdro on May 27, 2011 14:21:03 GMT -8
I think the question is when is the right time for each of this types of worship and what is a certain person actualy lacking the most.